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Integrate Northamber's extensive stock and pricing feed with your Comgem back office system.

Northamber Integration

Integrate Northamber's stock and pricing feed with your Comgem back office system. 

Benefits of Northamber Integration

  • Access to a Diverse Product Catalogue: Enrich your offerings with Northamber's wide array of products, catering to various industry needs.
  • Real-Time Stock Updates: Stay informed about Northamber's real-time stock availability, ensuring seamless order processing and timely fulfillment.
  • Competitive Pricing Information: Gain access to Northamber's competitive pricing data, enabling you to stay competitive in the market.
  • Streamlined Inventory Management: Automate your inventory management with seamless stock and pricing synchronization.

Simple Steps to Integrate Northamber

  • Have an Account with Northamber: Ensure you have an active account with Northamber to proceed with the integration.
  • Request Stock and Pricing Feed: Contact Northamber and request access to their stock and pricing feed, preferably available in CSV file format, accessible via FTP.
  • Configure Northamber in Comgem: Within Comgem's supplier section, add Northamber and set up the mapping to automatically pull in their products, stock, and pricing information.

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