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Give your customers a personalised
My Account experience

Go beyond the basics. Create a "My Account" section that makes it easy for customers to manage their information, track orders, and find the resources they need.

Improve customer service with a personalised My Account

  • Optimise for every device: Design a "My Account" section that looks great and is easy to use on desktops, tablets, and phones.
  • Put customers in control: Allow customers to easily update their contact information, view order history, and manage their preferences.
  • Highlight important information: Place contact details, special offers, and key resources front and centre.
  • Promote your products & services: Use the "My Account" section to suggest related products, promote special offers, and upsell customers.
  • Build relationships: Provide helpful resources, support information, and personalised content that makes customers feel valued.

The secret to massive B2B sales growth online

Discover the 10 proven ways to increase your online average order values.

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The secret to massive B2B sales growth online

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Experience design like never before with our tailored ecommerce design solutions. From budget-friendly options to premium custom designs, we've got you covered.

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transform your B2B business.

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