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Know your B2B customers and grow your sales

Build stronger customer relationships with the tools you need to manage different types of customer accounts, personalise offers, understand buying patterns, and easily identify upsell opportunities.

Effortless B2B account management

  • Centralised account dashboard: Get a quick overview of each customer account, including contact details, order history, and open quotes.
  • Manage payment terms: Set individual payment terms (net 30, etc.) for each customer account.
  • Track orders & invoices: See all orders, invoices, and purchases associated with each account.
  • Add notes & reminders: Keep track of important customer details, follow-up dates, and preferences.
  • Organise customer hierarchies: Manage customer accounts with multiple locations, departments, or buying centres.
  • Control product visibility: Decide which products each customer account can see and order online.
  • Set customer-specific pricing: Offer personalised pricing, discounts, or contract pricing to individual customer accounts.
  • Create marketing lists: Target your marketing efforts based on account type, purchase history, or other criteria.

The secret to massive B2B sales growth online

Discover the 10 proven ways to increase your online average order values.

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The secret to massive B2B sales growth online

Book a demo and see how Comgem can
transform your B2B business.

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